Witness the songs of White Lion sung by original lead singer Mike Tramp in the most up close & intimate setting that you’ll find anywhere on tour.
SEATED TICKETS ARE LIMITED… If all seating sells out, standing tickets will become available online and at the door.
LIMITED AMOUNT OF VIP TICKETS ARE AVAIL! VIP tickets include guaranteed seating and early access to the venue for sound check and private meet & greet. Arrive at 6:30 (a half hour before doors officially open) for intimate access to Mike!
IF YOU PURCHASED A SEATED TICKET (INCLUDING VIP)… To secure your seating for this show, please call the venue at (585) 292-9940 to make a reservation (only after everyone in your party has purchased a seated ticket). YOU MUST be the person who placed the ticket order to make the reservation, and the number of tickets purchased must match the number of people in your reservation. A seated ticket guarantees you admission and some form of seating, but if you don’t make a reservation, your whole party may not be sat together and/or some members may have to sit at the bar or other areas. You may not include standing ticket holders in your reservation.
Mike Tramp, legendary White Lion singer, songwriter and front man stepped out on his own in 1995 and began his 23-year long solo career. With eleven consistent solo albums to his name, and now 5/1/20 releasing his 12th solo album “Second Time Around”. Tramp has never steered off his path and is charging forward with confidence, no desire to look back. Tramp says, “It really just meant that I knew who I wanted to be and sound like when I recorded my first solo album twenty-two years ago. I just wanted to be me, and I am damn proud I stuck to my guns. White Lion was a chapter and a journey I was on; it was a one-way ticket with no return.”
The hair trend of the decade has since faded, but the music lives on, stronger than ever. To tame the big sound of the 80s hair metal genre, Tramp is for the first time touring as a Power Duo, with his trusted guitar slinger friend Marcus Nand, adding the sound of the Electric Guitar to his already well proven acoustic solo set. Now in 2020 this Power Duo, will play an exclusive vintage White Lion set around the world, given back to the fans, who have supported and followed Tramp since the days off long hair. He states, “It’s both challenging and a joy for me. Still, the truth is that people don’t know that most of these big rock songs started out as folk music in a Brooklyn, NY basement.” Which is the true secret why they still work on stage, even in the simplest version. Born and bred in Copenhagen, Denmark, brought his sound here and “forty-three years later, it’s still what I do on the endless highway. I am me twenty-four hours a day, I don’t have to put make up on or become a character. I am the same when I shop in Walmart, as when I am on stage playing, singing and telling stories, inviting the audience with me on my journey through life. It’s here that I’ve found peace and happiness, I have come home.”
Special guest Jim Crean (of Hair Nation) opens the show @ 8pm!
General admission: Doors @ 7pm | $30 advance / $35 day of show
VIP admission: Doors @ 6:30 | $45 advance only
Show @ 8pm