SEATED TICKETS ARE LIMITED… If all seating sells out, standing tickets will become available online and at the door.
IF YOU PURCHASED A SEATED TICKET… To secure your seating for this show, please call the venue at (585) 292-9940 to make a reservation (only after everyone in your party has purchased a seated ticket). YOU MUST be the person who placed the ticket order to make the reservation, and the number of tickets purchased must match the number of people in your reservation. A seated ticket guarantees you admission and some form of seating, but if you don’t make a reservation, your whole party may not be sat together. You may not include standing ticket holders in your reservation.
THEO TRAVISÂ – flute, sax, Fender Rhodes piano
FREDDY BAKERÂ – bass guitar
Soft Machine is a journey through time and space and their glorious artistic past, but also through a classy present, with a band that, despite the changes in members, maintains intact that unique style of psychedelic jazz that combines power and subtlety and that is, almost six decades after its formation, a registered trademark of one of the greatest contemporary instrumental bands. – ROCKAXIS MAGAZINE, CHILE
The band enjoys life on that perilous bridge conjoining experimentation and tradition.- NEW YORK CITY JAZZ RECORD
Doors @ 7pm | $30 advance / $35 day of show
Show @ 8-10pm